Green Compression Solutions for the Future of Shipping: CST's Expertise in LNG

Green Compression Solutions for the Future of Shipping: CST's Expertise in LNG

The need to reduce particulate and sulfur emissions, along with the target of CO2 reduction, is impacting the shipping industry. The use of alternative fuels, especially Liquified Natural Gas, is becoming more and more widespread onships.

On vessel tanks, the boil-off gas needs to be recompressed. A smart solution from an energy-saving standpoint is to compress the boil-off gas and use it to directly feed the engine without pre-heating. This requires handling the natural gas at cryogenic temperatures, as low as -160°C. No-lube reciprocating compressors are generally used for this service, which requires special competencies in the design of compression cylinders, from thermodynamics and selection of materials, including the seal elements, to the definition of geometry and tolerances.

CST built up a consistent experience in the design of reciprocating compressor cylinders for applications of this kind. Furthermore, through its qualified supply chain, CST can also provide the manufacturing of the entire cylinder assembly. CST has supplied several dozens of cylinders, fully designed, engineered and manufactured for a primary OEM in the last couple of years.

In addition, with its long experience in package engineering, CST can also offer packaged solutions for easy installation, operation and maintainance of compressors and other equipment, as strictly required in marine applications.

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